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NodeWorx FTP Guide

FTP Server

What is FTP?

FTP, or File Transfer Protocol, is a standard network protocol used to transfer files over the Internet. It is accessed with an FTP client such as FileZilla that lets SiteWorx users upload and modify files in their home directory.

FTP Server Management

Expanded FTP usage graph

Expanded FTP usage graph

The graph can be toggled on and off with the box below.

FTP Server Control

FTP server controls

FTP server controls

This Box shows the status of the FTP server, and allows you to Start, Stop, and Restart it.

Start on boot-up

Toggles whether FTP will be automatically started at system boot.

Auto-restart FTP

Toggles whether FTP will be automatically restarted if the service goes down.

FTP Server Information

Server Information

Server Information


The version of FTP installed on the system.

FTP Config file syntax

This tells you whether there are any syntax errors in your proftpd.conf file. If there are, you can click on the details link to see where the problem lies.

Edit Configuration File

Lets you edit the ftp config file located at /etc/proftpd.conf via NodeWorx gui. (This is recommended for advanced users only).

Secure FTP

SFTP control

SFTP control

Secure FTP is an encrypted version of ftp that is distinct from scp, the utility to copy files over ssh.


The Port used for the SFTP service. InterWorx sets this as 24 by default to avoid any confusion between sftp and scp.

Login Attempts

Sets how many password attempts are allowed before disconnection.


Toggle on and off of the SFTP engine.

FTP Server Options

FTP options

FTP options

Servers (max)

Sets the maximum number of child ftp processes.

Connections (max)

The total number of FTP clients allowed to connect to the FTP server.

Connections per user (max)

The total number of ftp clients allowed to connect from each SiteWorx account.

Timeout Login

The time in seconds that a user has to login after connecting.

Timeout Idle

The time in seconds an FTP user may be connected without activity before being logged off.

Timeout No Transfer

The time in seconds a user may be connected without transferring any files.

Timeout Stalled

The time in seconds for a stalled download to be available.

Timeout Session

The time in seconds for any ftp session to last.

FTPS Required

Toggle whether FTPS (secure FTP) is required on this server

Allow Upload Resume

Toggle clients’ ability to resume uploads.

Allow Download Resume

Toggle clients’ ability to resume downloads.

Current FTP Sessions

Use this box to view current active FTP sessions, the sessions’ PIDs, and the sessions’ linux user. Sessions can be killed here as well.