‘The Fively Cron Job Has Not Run Successfully Since…’ Error

Receiving a single message stating that the fively cron has not run is not generally cause for great concern. The fively cron updates bandwidth graphs, storage quotas, and a few other non-critical aspects of the InterWorx. Even if it does not run once, websites and email will not be affected, and the cron will complete its tasks the next time it runs.

However, in the case where multiple fively cron emails are received, some troubleshooting steps may be taken to identify the cause of the unresponsive cron.

Detailed information as to what is included in the fively cron can be found here, under InterWorx-specific Cronjobs.

To Verify the Last Time the Fively Cron Successfully Ran

  1. Log in to the server at the CLI as root, either via SSH or from the terminal

  2. View the last modified time on the file /home/interworx/var/last_fively. This can be done with the following command:

    ls -al ~iworx/var | grep last_fively

    Example output:

    [root@iw7 ~]# ls -al ~iworx/var | grep last_fively
    -rw-------.  1 iworx iworx    0 Mar  2 14:45 last_fively


If this timestamp is within the last 10-15 minutes, the issue is likely temporary and should resolve itself.

To Run the Fively Cron Manually

In the case where a fively cron has not completed in some time, it may be helpful to run the cron task manually and view the output in /home/interworx/var/log/iworx.log and /home/interworx/var/log/cron.log to determine any potential issues.

  1. Log in to the server at the CLI as root, either via SSH or from the terminal

  2. Run the fively manually with the following command:

    ~iworx/cron/iworx.pex --fively


    This script will not likely output anything to the CLI.

  3. Using a text editor, open /home/interworx/var/log/iworx.log or /home/interworx/var/cron.log and search for fively to find relevant areas of logging. It is often useful to search backwards from the bottom of the file to easily find the most recent information. These examples use vim as the text editor:

    vim  /home/interworx/var/log/iworx.log
    vim /home/interworx/var/cron.log