How To: Disable DNS Check for Tiny File Manager

Because Tiny File Manager includes the ability to view live files, a simple DNS check is performed to indicate if the domain currently resolves to the server. If the check returns negative, the following message is displayed in the browser:

tiny file manager dns message

In a case where a proxy service such as Cloudflare is in use, Server Administrators may want to disable this check so as to avoid potential confusion for their customers, who may see the message and think that their site’s DNS is down.


This task can only be completed by the Server Administrator, as it requires accessing the CLI as root.

SiteWorx users who would like the DNS check disabled should contact their hosting provider.

Disabling the DNS Check

  1. Log in to the server at the CLI as root, either via SSH or from the terminal

  2. At the CLI, navigate to the ~iworx/etc/env directory

    cd ~iworx/etc/env
  3. Use touch to create an empty feature-flag file called ignore-domain-resolvable

    touch ignore-domain-resolvable
  4. Update the permissions on the new file so that only the user has read and write permissions (600) and the iworx user has both user and group ownership

    chown iworx:iworx ignore-domain-resolvable
    chmod 600 ignore-domain-resolvable

    Example of correct permissions:

    [root@server env]# ls -la ~iworx/etc/env/ignore-domain-resolvable
    -rw------- 1 iworx iworx 0 Jan 26 11:59 /home/interworx/etc/env/ignore-domain-resolvable
    [root@server env]#