How To: Password Protect Files and Directories

htpasswd, in conjunction with an .htaccess file, can be used to password protect specific files and directories.

Detailed information on htpasswd can be found here.

Password Protecting Folders from SiteWorx

The following options requires that htaccess is enabled for the domain in SiteWorx.

  • Information on how to create an htacess file for the domain’s html directory can be found here

  • Information on how to create an htaccess file for a custom directory can be found here

Creating an htpasswd User

  1. Log into SiteWorx in the browser (

  2. In SiteWorx, navigate to Hosting Features > Htaccess, either from the side menu or SiteWorx home

  3. Click the Pencil next to the desired htaccess file. This opens the Directory Options Management page

  4. Next to htpasswd Users click the +. This opens the Add htpasswd User form

    htpasswd user option
  5. Update the required fields:

    • Username: The name of the user

    • Password: The user’s password

    • Confirm Password: The same password

    htpasswd user form
  6. Click Save

Enabling Password Protection


Please make sure that there is at least one htpasswd user before enabling password protection. If password protection is enabled, and there are no users listed, no one will be able to access the protected resources.

  1. Log into SiteWorx in the browser (

  2. In SiteWorx, navigate to Hosting Features > Htaccess, either from the side menu or SiteWorx home

  3. Click the Pencil next to the desired htaccess file. This opens the Directory Options Management page

  4. Next to Password Protection click the key. This opens the Password protection form

    password protect option disabled
  5. Select Enabled

    password protect enable form
  6. Click Update

Disabling Password Protection

  1. Log into SiteWorx in the browser (

  2. In SiteWorx, navigate to Hosting Features > Htaccess, either from the side menu or SiteWorx home

  3. Click the Pencil next to the desired htaccess file. This opens the Directory Options Management page

  4. Next to Password Protection click the key. This opens the Password protection form

    password protect option enabled
  5. Select Disabled

    password protect disable form
  6. Click Update

Password Protecting Folders and Directories from the CLI

Creating the htpasswd File

  1. Log in to the server at the CLI as either root (if the Server Administrator), or the SiteWorx account shell user, either via SSH or from the terminal

  2. Navigate to directory that needs to be password protected, replacing {unixuser}, {},. and {directory path} with the corresponding information

    cd /home/{unixuser}/{}/{directory path}

    Example, where the directory that needs to be password protected is called protected, and is located under the domain’s html directory:

    cd /home/user/
  3. Create an .htpasswd file by running the following command, replacing {unixuser}, {}, {directory path}, and {user} with the corresponding information. {user} should be the user that should have access to the directory.

    htpasswd -c /home/{unixuser}/{}/{directory path}/.htpasswd {user}


    htpasswd -c /home/user/ admin
  4. Follow the prompts to create the user password. Example

    [root@server protected]# htpasswd -c /home/user/ admin
    New password:
    Re-type new password:
    Adding password for user admin
    [root@gserver protected]#
  5. Run the above command again, ommitting the -c flag, for any other users that should have access to the directory Example:

    [root@server protected]# htpasswd -c /home/user/ seconduser
    New password:
    Re-type new password:
    Adding password for user seconduser
    [root@gserver protected]#
  6. The .htpasswd file includes the list of users that has access to that directory, along with an encrypted password hash. Example:

    [root@server protected]# cat .htpasswd
    [root@server protected]#
  7. Update the permissions on the .htpasswd file. They should be 644 and {unixuser}:{unixuser}, replacing {unixuser} with the corresponding information

    chmod 644 .htpasswd
    chown {unixuser}:{unixuser} .htpasswd

Creating or Modifying the htaccess File

  1. Log in to the server at the CLI as either root (if the Server Administrator), or the SiteWorx account shell user, either via SSH or from the terminal

  2. Navigate to directory that needs to be password protected, replacing {unixuser}, {},. and {directory path} with the corresponding information

    cd /home/{unixuser}/{}/{directory path}

    Example, where the directory that needs to be password protected is called protected, and is located under the domain’s html directory:

    cd /home/user/
  3. Using a text editor create, or open, a file named .htacces. The following example uses the Vim text editor:

    vim .htaccess
  4. Add the following lines, replacing {path to .htpasswd file}, {file}, and {extension} with the corresponding information where applicable:

    • To protect the entire directory:

      #Protect Directory
      AuthName "Dialog prompt"
      AuthType Basic
      AuthUserFile {path to .htpasswd file}
      Require valid-user


      #Protect Directory
      AuthName "Dialog prompt"
      AuthType Basic
      AuthUserFile /home/user/
      Require valid-user
    • To protect a single file in the directory:

      #Protect single file
      <Files {file}>
      AuthName "Dialog prompt"
      AuthType Basic
      AuthUserFile {path to .htpasswd file}
      Require valid-user

      Example, protecting a file named testfile.php:

      #Protect single file
      <Files testfile.php>
      AuthName "Dialog prompt"
      AuthType Basic
      AuthUserFile /home/user/
      Require valid-user
    • To protect multiple files in the directory:

      #Protect multiple files
      <FilesMatch "^({file}|{file}).{extension}$">
      AuthName "Dialog prompt"
      AuthType Basic
      AuthUserFile {path to .htpasswd file}
      Require valid-user

      Example, protecting files named testfile.php and newfile.php:

      #Protect multiple files
      <FilesMatch "^(testfile|newfile).php$">
      AuthName "Dialog prompt"
      AuthType Basic
      AuthUserFile {path to .htpasswd file}
      Require valid-user
  5. Save the file, and exit the text editor

  6. Update the permissions on the .htaccess file. They should be 644 and {unixuser}:{unixuser}, replacing {unixuser} with the corresponding information

    chmod 644 .htaccess
    chown {unixuser}:{unixuser} .htaccess