How To: Install and Enable the CloudLinux Plugin for InterWorx

InterWorx provides a plugin for CloudLinux, which allows both NodeWorx and SiteWorx users the ability to access and manage various CloudLinux services.

To Install the CloudLinux Plugin

  1. Log in to the server at the CLI as root, either via SSH or from the terminal

  2. Install CloudLinux with the installer script:

  3. Activate the CloudLinux license

    • If using an activation key:

      sh cldeploy -k [activation_key]
    • If using an IP based license:

      sh cldeploy -i
  4. Install the InterWorx CloudLinux plugin with the following:

    yum install interworx-plugin-cloudlinux
  5. Reboot the server:

  6. (Optional) CageFS and the multiple PHP versions that are provided by CloudLinux can be enabled and installed from the GUI. However, if desired, they can also be installed manually at the command line. To do so, run the following as root:

    • To install and enable CageFS:


      If accessing root via a sudo or su user, be sure to add the user to /etc/cagefs/exclude/systemuserlist or /etc/cagefs/exclude/interworx. Before running cagefsctl --init.

      yum install cagefs -y --disablerepo=remi* -y
      cagefsctl --init
      cagefsctl --enable-cagefs

    More information on using CageFS from the command line can be found here.

    • To install all CloudLinux PHP versions:

      yum groupinstall alt-php --disablerepo=remi* -y
  7. (Optional) Customers who would like to enable python and/or nodejs selectors must first install the alt-mod-passenger package. This task can only be completed at the CLI, with the following command:

    yum install alt-mod-passenger

Enabling the CloudLinux Plugin in NodeWorx

  1. Once the installation is complete, log into NodeWorx from the browser (

  2. In NodeWorx, navigate to NodeWorx > Plugins

  3. Under Miscellaneous, click the Pencil next to CloudLinux LVE Manager. This opens the Edit Plugin form

  4. Select Enabled from the Status dropdown

  5. Click Save

Using the CloudLinux Plugin in NodeWorx (LVE Manager)

After the plugin is enabled, CloudLinux tools can be found in NodeWorx under CloudLinux > Lve Manager in the side menu

CloudLinux Installation Wizard

The CloudLinux Installation Wizard will automatically display when accessing the LVE Manager for the first time. It allows for to easily installation and set up of CloudLinux OS components on InterWorx.


More information on the Cloud Linux Installation Wizard can be found here.

LVE Manager


From the LVE Manger, the following controls can be managed:

  • Current Usage

  • Users

  • CageFS user Management

  • Statistics

  • CloudLinux PHP Selector


    In order for CloudLinux PHP versions to be available to SiteWorx accounts, the System PHP Mode must be set to mod_suphp on the Web Server page in NodeWorx

    To set the System PHP Mode:

    1. Log into NodeWorx from the browser (

    2. In NodeWorx, navigate to System Services > Web Server > Overview

    3. Under PHP Integration Mode, select mod_suphp from the PHP Mode dropdown

    4. Click Update


    SiteWorx accounts must be added to CageFS, first, in order for CloudLinux PHP options to be available in SiteWorx

  • Nodejs and Python installation