Hosting Features: MySQL

Hosting Features > MySQL

This menu section in SiteWorx is where SiteWorx users can manage their account’s MySQL databases and users, as well as access PHPMyAdmin.

NodeWorx users have the ability to determine the number MySQL databases and users the SiteWorx account is allowed to have. These options are managed via the Edit menu located in NodeWorx, under SiteWorx > Accounts. If these options are to 0, the associated menu items, including PHPMyAdmin, will not appear in the SiteWorx interface.

Documentation related to managing MySQL in SiteWorx can be found here.


Hosting Features > MySQL > Databases

databases page

The Databases page is where SiteWorx users can:

  • Manage MySQL databases

  • Assign MySQL users to specific databases

Information on managing MySQL databases can be found here.


Hosting Features > MySQL > Users

mysql users page

The Users page is where SiteWorx users can manage MySQL users.

Assigning MySQL users to a specific database is managed from the Databases page.

Information on managing MySQL users can be found here.


Hosting Features > MySQL > PHPMyAdmin


PHPMyAdmin is a GUI interface for MySQL databases. This allows users the ability to easily manage their database tables and content.

Documentation on how to use PHPMyAdmin can be found at

Information on accessing PHPMyAdmin can be found here.