How to: Change the IP Binding of an InterWorx License

The IP binding for an InterWorx license key may be changed from the InterWorx billing portal. This may be necessary if the license is moved to a new server, or if the IPs on the server change.


These instructions are for licenses purchased directly from InterWorx.

Customers who purchased their licenses from an Authorized Reseller Partner must contact their reseller for assistance.

To Change the License Binding

  1. Log into the billing portal at

  2. Click Services

  3. From the list of license keys, select the license for which the IP should be changed

  4. Click Current IP Address that is shown next to Bound IP

  5. Update the Bound IP field with the new IP Address

  6. Click Submit

To Sync the License Binding

License binding for the new key will automatically sync when the next Fively cron runs. However, this may be manually, instantly performed, as well.

  1. Log in to the server at the CLI as root, either via SSH or from the terminal

  2. Run the license sync command:

    ~iworx/cron/license.pex --sync


  • “Already been activated on a different IP” Error

    • If, after changing the license binding and running the sync command, the follow errror is received, submit a ticket at to have the license binding cleared

    [root@server ~]# /usr/local/interworx/cron/license.pex --sync
    The license server reports that the key 'INTERWORX_EXAMPLEKEY' has already been activated on a different IP. Please contact InterWorx Support.
    [root@server ~]#