How to: Manage the Master NodeWorx User

The email address and password for the Master NodeWorx User, also referred to as the Server Admin user, is set as part of the license activation script during installation. It is possible to change this information, if desired, both from the GUI, and via the CLI.

To Change the Master User Email Address

Change the User Email Address Via the GUI

  1. Log into NodeWorx from the browser (

  2. Navigate to NodeWorx > User Accounts

  3. Click the Pencil next to the user listed as Server Admin. This opens the Edit Master User from

    nw user list
  4. Update the Email field to reflect the new email address

    edit nw user form
  5. If desired, check Requires Password Change. This will require the user to change their password the first time they log in

  6. Click Save.

Change the User Email Address Via the CLI

  1. Log in to the server at the CLI as root, either via SSH or from the terminal

  2. At the CLI, run the following, replacing {NEW EMAIL ADDRESS} and {CURRENT EMAIL ADDRESS} with the respective information

    • If the user should reset their password upon first login, set --requires_password_change to 1

    nodeworx -u -n -c Users -a edit --email {NEW EMAIL ADDRESS} --requires_password_change 0 --user {CURRENT EMAIL ADDRESS}

To Reset the Master User Password

Change the Password Via the GUI

  1. Log into NodeWorx from the browser (

  2. Navigate to NodeWorx > User Accounts

  3. Click the Pencil next to the user listed as Server Admin. This opens the Edit Master User from

    nw user list
  4. Update the Password field to reflect the new password. This can be completed by either by clicking the Magic Wand to generate a password, or by typing the desired password into the field, manually

    edit nw user form
  5. If desired, check Requires Password Change. This will require the user to change their password the first time they log in

  6. Click Save.

Change the Password Via the CLI

In a case where the Master NodeWorx User is locked out of the server, and does not want to use the Forgot Password link on the login page, it possible to change the password from the CLI, while logged in as the root user.

Using the Reset Password Tool

  1. Log in to the server at the CLI as root, either via SSH or from the terminal

  2. At the CLI, run the following:

  3. At the prompt, type in the new password. Example:

    [root@server ~]# ~iworx/bin/resetmasterpassword.pex
    |                      Master User Password Reset                      |
    Enter a new password: NewPassword1234!
    |       Password Reset for master user [email protected]        |
    [root@server ~]#

Using a One-Liner

  1. Log in to the server at the CLI as root, either via SSH or from the terminal

  2. At the CLI, run the following, replacing {PASSWORD} and {MASTER ACCOUNT EMAIL} with the respective information

    • If the user should reset their password upon first login, set --requires_password_change to 1

    nodeworx -u -n -c Users -a edit --password {PASSWORD} --confirm_password {PASSWORD} --requires_password_change 0 --user {MASTER ACCOUNT EMAIL}