How To: Use the CloudLinux Plugin in SiteWorx

SiteWorx users may manage CloudLinux tools from the SiteWorx interface. There are four options:

  • PHP Selector

  • NodeJS Selector: Further information can be found in the CloudLinux documentation regarding the Node.JS Selector.

  • Python Selector: Further information can be found in the CloudLinux documentation regarding the Python Selector.

  • Resource Usage: Will be included in a future version of InterWorx


Users who do not see CloudLinux listed as an option in SiteWorx should contact their hosting provider to be granted access.

Enabling the CloudLinux PHP Selector

To use the CloudLinux PHP Selector, the domain must first be set to “PHP Native (CloudLinux)” in SiteWorx.

  1. Log into SiteWorx from the browser (

  2. In SiteWorx, navigate to Hosting Features > Domains > Manage, either from the side menu or SiteWorx home

  3. Click the Pencil next to the domain. This opens the Edit Secondary Domain form


    The form will say Edit Secondary Domain, even if the domain is the master. This is expected behavior.

  4. Select PHP Native (CloudLinux) from the PHP Version dropdown

    siteworx cloud linux change php version form
  5. Click Save

Changing the CloudLinux PHP version

Once the above steps are completed, to set and/or change the CloudLinux PHP version:

  1. Log into SiteWorx from the browser (

  2. Navigate to CloudLinux > PHP Selector, either from the side menu or SiteWorx home

  3. Select the desired PHP version from the PHP Version dropdown. This opens the PHP Selector Extensions form

    siteworx cloud linux php options
  4. Select the desired PHP extensions to install, if any, by selecting the checkbox next to the name of the extension

    siteworx cloud linux php extensions
  5. Click Set As Current