
You are viewing the documentation for an older release of Interworx (7.5). To see documentation for the current generally available release of Interworx, click here: 7.13.

How To: Change InterWorx PHP Ini Settings

InterWorx uses its own, internal instance of PHP, with an overrides ini file of commonly customized settings. That file is located at /etc/opt/iworx/iworxphp72/php.d/90-iworx-overrides.ini. The settings found in that file are as follows:

max_execution_time    = 900
max_input_time        = 600
max_input_vars        = 99999
post_max_size         = 128M
upload_max_filesize   = 128M
session.save_path     = /usr/local/interworx/var/session
session.cache_limiter = private, must-revalidate
date.timezone         = America/New_York
error_reporting       = E_ALL & ~E_COMPILE_WARNING & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT
memory_limit          = 256M
cgi.force_redirect    = 0

As changes made directly to /etc/opt/iworx/iworxphp72/php.d/90-iworx-overrides.ini may be overwritten upon update, if changes to the above settings must be made, it is recommended to create a new file in the /etc/opt/iworx/iworxphp72/php.d/ directory for those customizations.

To Change InterWorx PHP Settings

  1. Log in to the server at the CLI as root, either via SSH or from the terminal

  2. At the CLI, using a text editor, create a new file in the /etc/opt/iworx/iworxphp72/php.d directory. This file can be named however the server administrator would like, it just must end with .ini, and begin with a number higher than 90. The following example uses the Vim text editor:

    vim  /etc/opt/iworx/iworxphp72/php.d/91-custom-iworx-overrides.ini
  3. Add the customized setting(s). The following example increases both the max post size and the max file upload size:

    post_max_size         = 256M
    upload_max_filesize   = 256M
  4. Save the file and exit the text editor