
You are viewing the documentation for an older release of Interworx (6.x). To see documentation for the current generally available release of Interworx, click here: 7.13.

How to Access NodeWorx Without a PasswordΒΆ

For troubleshooting and support purposes, it may be necessary to access NodeWorx from the browser, without using login credentials.

To do so:

  1. At the command line, as root, run the following:

    printf "\nhttps://$(nodeworx -u -c Ip -h -a listIpAddresses |head -1 |awk '{print $1}'):2443/nodeworx/index?action=ssoCommit&sid=$(nodeworx -u -n -c Index -a getSession)\n\n"
  2. The output will be a one-time login url. Paste this into the browser to automatically log into NodeWorx.


 [root@testserver ~]# printf "\nhttps://$(nodeworx -u -c Ip -h -a listIpAddresses |head -1 |awk '{print $1}'):2443/nodeworx/index?action=ssoCommit&sid=$(nodeworx -u -n -c Index -a getSession)\n\n"

[root@testserver ~]#


If the session in the browser times out, the above steps will need to be completed, again.