How to Set Up a Vacation Message in Webmail =========================================== Vacation messages can be set from both the Roundcube and Horde webmail clients. The vacation message for an email address can also be set up from :doc:`the SiteWorx Interface `. .. contents:: To Set a Vacation Message in Roundcube -------------------------------------- #. Log into Roundcube from the browser, either via any of the following paths, replacing {}, {} or {} with the respective information: - https://{}/roundcube - https://{}/roundcube - https://{}/roundcube - Alternately, any of the above links can be used to access the main webmail interface, by replacing /roundcube with /webmail in the URL and selecting **Roundcube** from the Webmail dropdown #. In Roundcube, navigate to **Settings > Vacation Message** #. Update the Vacation Message box with the **desired message** #. Toggle the Vacation Message **on/off button** so that it is blue. This indicates that the vacation message is enabled. If that button is gray, it indicates the vacation message is disabled .. image:: /images/rc-vacation-message.png :alt: roundcube vacation message page #. Click **Save** To Set a Vacation Message in Horde ---------------------------------- #. Log into Horde from the browser, either via any of the following paths, replacing {}, {} or {} with the respective information: - https://{}/horde - https://{}/horde - https://{}/horde - Alternately, any of the above links can be used to access the main webmail interface, by replacing /horde with /webmail in the URL and selecting **Horde** from the Webmail dropdown #. In Horde, navigate to the **Mail > Filters** #. Click **Vacation**. This opens the Vacation page .. image:: /images/horde-vaca.png :alt: horde vacation message page #. In the Basic Settings form, update the Reason field with the **desired message** #. To save the vacation message and enable it, click **Save and Enable** #. To save the vacation message without enabling it, click **Save**