Controller: /nodeworx/sshd ========================== :Required Permissions: SSH Action: ``autoRestart`` ----------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Configure SSHD auto-restart. Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``sshd_autorestart`` - integer - No* - 1, 0 - 0 - With this option on, SSH will restart automatically if SSH goes down unexpectedly * - ``cascade_to_nodes`` - integer - No - 1 - - Selecting this option causes the action to be replayed on all nodes of the cluster automatically, as if you had logged in to each node manually \* indicates that it's actually required, but probably already has a valid default value. Action: ``fail`` ---------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Magic function - test for failure mechanism. Action: ``isRunning`` --------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Checks if the service is running or not. Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => true, 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``isRunningOnNode`` --------------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Checks if the service is running on a specific node (Clustering only). Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``node_id`` - string - No* - - - \* indicates that it's actually required, but probably already has a valid default value. Action: ``listGeneralName`` --------------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Lists the "normal" name - ie "web server" instead of "httpd". Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => '##LG_SSHSERVER##', 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``listPortNumbers`` --------------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Lists a string of the port numbers that this service uses, comma-seperated. Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => '22', 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``listPortNumbersArray`` -------------------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Lists array of port numbers and ranges that this service uses. Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => array ( 0 => 22, ), 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``listRequiredPermissions`` ----------------------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Lists an array of permissions required to control the service. Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => array ( 0 => 'SSH', ), 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``listServiceInfo`` --------------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Lists the service name, ports, page, and status. Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => array ( 'id' => 'sshd', 'name' => '##LG_SSHSERVER##', 'ports' => '22', 'page' => '/nodeworx/sshd', 'ctrl' => '/nodeworx/sshd', 'is_running' => 1, ), 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``listServiceName`` --------------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Lists the service name - ie "httpd" instead of "web server". Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => 'sshd', 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``listServicePage`` --------------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Lists the page that controls the service. Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => '/nodeworx/sshd', 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``listSessions`` ------------------------ :Added in Version: 4.8.0-393 :Description: Lists information about current shell sessions. Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => array ( ), 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``queryAutoRestart`` ---------------------------- :Added in Version: 5.1.0-838 :Description: Displays the information available to the action "autoRestart". Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => array ( 'sshd_autorestart' => '0', ), 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``queryEditConf`` ------------------------- :Added in Version: 5.1.0-838 :Description: Displays the information available to the action "editConf". Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => array ( 'file' => '/etc/ssh/sshd_config', 'file_content' => '# $OpenBSD: sshd_config,v 1.100 2016/08/15 12:32:04 naddy Exp $ # This is the sshd server system-wide configuration file. See # sshd_config(5) for more information. # This sshd was compiled with PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin # The strategy used for options in the default sshd_config shipped with # OpenSSH is to specify options with their default value where # possible, but leave them commented. Uncommented options override the # default value. # If you want to change the port on a SELinux system, you have to tell # SELinux about this change. # semanage port -a -t ssh_port_t -p tcp #PORTNUMBER # #Port 22 #AddressFamily any #ListenAddress #ListenAddress :: HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key #HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key # Ciphers and keying #RekeyLimit default none # Logging #SyslogFacility AUTH SyslogFacility AUTHPRIV #LogLevel INFO # Authentication: #LoginGraceTime 2m #PermitRootLogin yes #StrictModes yes #MaxAuthTries 6 #MaxSessions 10 #PubkeyAuthentication yes # The default is to check both .ssh/authorized_keys and .ssh/authorized_keys2 # but this is overridden so installations will only check .ssh/authorized_keys AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys #AuthorizedPrincipalsFile none #AuthorizedKeysCommand none #AuthorizedKeysCommandUser nobody # For this to work you will also need host keys in /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts #HostbasedAuthentication no # Change to yes if you don\'t trust ~/.ssh/known_hosts for # HostbasedAuthentication #IgnoreUserKnownHosts no # Don\'t read the user\'s ~/.rhosts and ~/.shosts files #IgnoreRhosts yes # To disable tunneled clear text passwords, change to no here! #PasswordAuthentication yes #PermitEmptyPasswords no PasswordAuthentication yes # Change to no to disable s/key passwords #ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes ChallengeResponseAuthentication no # Kerberos options #KerberosAuthentication no #KerberosOrLocalPasswd yes #KerberosTicketCleanup yes #KerberosGetAFSToken no #KerberosUseKuserok yes # GSSAPI options GSSAPIAuthentication yes GSSAPICleanupCredentials no #GSSAPIStrictAcceptorCheck yes #GSSAPIKeyExchange no #GSSAPIEnablek5users no # Set this to \'yes\' to enable PAM authentication, account processing, # and session processing. If this is enabled, PAM authentication will # be allowed through the ChallengeResponseAuthentication and # PasswordAuthentication. Depending on your PAM configuration, # PAM authentication via ChallengeResponseAuthentication may bypass # the setting of "PermitRootLogin without-password". # If you just want the PAM account and session checks to run without # PAM authentication, then enable this but set PasswordAuthentication # and ChallengeResponseAuthentication to \'no\'. # WARNING: \'UsePAM no\' is not supported in Red Hat Enterprise Linux and may cause several # problems. UsePAM yes #AllowAgentForwarding yes #AllowTcpForwarding yes #GatewayPorts no X11Forwarding yes #X11DisplayOffset 10 #X11UseLocalhost yes #PermitTTY yes #PrintMotd yes #PrintLastLog yes #TCPKeepAlive yes #UseLogin no #UsePrivilegeSeparation sandbox #PermitUserEnvironment no #Compression delayed #ClientAliveInterval 0 #ClientAliveCountMax 3 #ShowPatchLevel no #UseDNS yes #PidFile /var/run/ #MaxStartups 10:30:100 #PermitTunnel no #ChrootDirectory none #VersionAddendum none # no default banner path #Banner none # Accept locale-related environment variables AcceptEnv LANG LC_CTYPE LC_NUMERIC LC_TIME LC_COLLATE LC_MONETARY LC_MESSAGES AcceptEnv LC_PAPER LC_NAME LC_ADDRESS LC_TELEPHONE LC_MEASUREMENT AcceptEnv LC_IDENTIFICATION LC_ALL LANGUAGE AcceptEnv XMODIFIERS # override default of no subsystems Subsystem sftp /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server # Example of overriding settings on a per-user basis #Match User anoncvs # X11Forwarding no # AllowTcpForwarding no # PermitTTY no # ForceCommand cvs server', ), 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``queryUpdateConfig`` ----------------------------- :Added in Version: 5.1.0-838 :Description: Displays the information available to the action "updateConfig". Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => array ( 'port' => '22', 'allow_root' => 'yes', 'sshd_login_timeout' => '120', 'sshd_loglevel' => 'info', 'sshd_priv_separate' => 'yes', ), 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``reroute`` ------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Action to re-route from the current controller to a different one. Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``controller`` - string - Yes - Index, Overview, Users, Lang, Apikey, Plugins, Twofactorauth, Notice, Siteworx, Shell, Packages, Backup, Import, Softaculous, Reseller, ResellerPackages, ResellerBandwidthhistory, Http, Phpextensions, Ftp, Sshd, MailMta, MailSmtp, MailSmtp2, MailSend, MailMda, MailMsa, MailDovecot, MailSpam, MailVirus, MailMailman, MailQueue, Mysql, MysqlRemote, MysqlPhpmyadmin, Dns, DnsZone, DnsRecord, DnsSync, Nfs, NfsExport, NfsMount, Health, Cron, Firewall, Ssl, Logs, Settings, Updates, Rrd, ... - - Action: ``restart`` ------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Restart the service. Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``cascade_to_nodes`` - integer - No - 1 - - Selecting this option causes the action to be replayed on all nodes of the cluster automatically, as if you had logged in to each node manually Action: ``restartOnNode`` ------------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Restarts the service on a specific node (Clustering only). Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``node_id`` - string - No* - - - \* indicates that it's actually required, but probably already has a valid default value. Action: ``start`` ----------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Start the service. Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``cascade_to_nodes`` - integer - No - 1 - - Selecting this option causes the action to be replayed on all nodes of the cluster automatically, as if you had logged in to each node manually Action: ``startOnBoot`` ----------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Configure SSHD start-on-boot. Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``sshd_startonboot`` - integer - No* - 1, 0 - 1 - If set to 'Yes', SSH will be automatically started when the server starts up. * - ``cascade_to_nodes`` - integer - No - 1 - - Selecting this option causes the action to be replayed on all nodes of the cluster automatically, as if you had logged in to each node manually \* indicates that it's actually required, but probably already has a valid default value. Action: ``startOnNode`` ----------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Starts the service on a specific node (Clustering only). Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``node_id`` - string - No* - - - \* indicates that it's actually required, but probably already has a valid default value. Action: ``stop`` ---------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Stop the service. Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``cascade_to_nodes`` - integer - No - 1 - - Selecting this option causes the action to be replayed on all nodes of the cluster automatically, as if you had logged in to each node manually Action: ``stopOnNode`` ---------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Stops the service on a specific node (Clustering only). Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``node_id`` - string - No* - - - \* indicates that it's actually required, but probably already has a valid default value. Action: ``terminate`` --------------------- :Added in Version: 4.8.0-393 :Description: Terminate shell sessions. Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``pid`` - struct (integer) - Yes - - - Action: ``updateConfig`` ------------------------ :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Configure SSHD server settings. Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``port`` - integer - No* - - 22 - * - ``allow_root`` - string - No* - yes, without-password, forced-commands-only, no - yes - Sets whether the root user can log in via ssh. Options are: