Controller: /nodeworx/overview ============================== Action: ``editProfile`` ----------------------- :Added in Version: 4.8.3-414 :Description: Edit the currently authenticated users' profile. Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``language`` - string - No* - cs, da, de, en-us, es, fr, hu, it, nl, pl, pt, ru, sk, sv, tr, zh - en-us - * - ``menu_style`` - string - No - - - * - ``theme`` - string - No - - - * - ``password`` - string - No - - - * - ``confirm_password`` - string - No - - - Confirm the password field by providing it again. Must match the password provided. \* indicates that it's actually required, but probably already has a valid default value. Action: ``fail`` ---------------- :Added in Version: n/a :Description: Magic function - test for failure mechanism. Action: ``listHostname`` ------------------------ :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: List the hostname of the system. Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => '', 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``listIsClusterable`` ----------------------------- :Added in Version: 5.0.14-579 :Description: List the clusterable status of this license. Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => array ( 'is_clusterable' => true, ), 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``listLicenseKey`` -------------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: List the interworx license key. Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => array ( 'licence_key' => 'INTERWORX_APIDOC2', ), 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``listLoadAverage`` --------------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Lists the one, five, and fifteen-minute load averages. Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => array ( 'one_minute' => '0.18', 'five_minute' => '0.18', 'fifteen_minute' => '0.18', ), 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``listServiceStatus`` ----------------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Lists the status and port numbers of InterWorx-managed services. Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => array ( 0 => array ( 'id' => 'httpd', 'name' => '##LG_APACHE##', 'ports' => '80, 443', 'page' => '/nodeworx/http', 'ctrl' => '/nodeworx/http', 'is_running' => 1, ), 1 => array ( 'id' => 'dovecot', 'name' => '##LG_DOVECOT##', 'ports' => '110, 995, 143, 993', 'page' => '/nodeworx/mail/mda', 'ctrl' => '/nodeworx/mail/dovecot', 'is_running' => 1, ), 2 => array ( 'id' => 'mailman', 'name' => '##LG_MAILMAN##', 'ports' => '##LG_NOT_APPLICABLE##', 'page' => '/nodeworx/mail/mailman', 'ctrl' => '/nodeworx/mail/mailman', 'is_running' => 1, ), ), 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``listVersion`` ----------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: List the version of InterWorx installed. Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => array ( 'version' => '7.13.40-2752', ), 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``listVPSStatus`` ------------------------- :Added in Version: 5.0.14-579 :Description: List the VPS status of the system. Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => array ( 'is_vps' => true, ), 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``listVPSVendor`` ------------------------- :Added in Version: 5.0.14-579 :Description: List the VPS status of the system. Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => array ( 'vps_vendor' => 'xen', ), 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``queryEditProfile`` ---------------------------- :Added in Version: 5.1.0-838 :Description: Displays the information available to the action "editProfile". Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => array ( 'language' => 'en-us', 'menu_style' => NULL, 'theme' => NULL, 'password' => NULL, 'confirm_password' => NULL, ), 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``reroute`` ------------------- :Added in Version: n/a :Description: Action to re-route from the current controller to a different one. Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``controller`` - string - Yes - Index, Overview, Users, Lang, Apikey, Plugins, Twofactorauth, Notice, Siteworx, Shell, Packages, Backup, Import, Softaculous, Reseller, ResellerPackages, ResellerBandwidthhistory, Http, Phpextensions, Ftp, Sshd, MailMta, MailSmtp, MailSmtp2, MailSend, MailMda, MailMsa, MailDovecot, MailSpam, MailVirus, MailMailman, MailQueue, Mysql, MysqlRemote, MysqlPhpmyadmin, Dns, DnsZone, DnsRecord, DnsSync, Nfs, NfsExport, NfsMount, Health, Cron, Firewall, Ssl, Logs, Settings, Updates, Rrd, ... - - Action: ``win`` --------------- :Added in Version: n/a :Description: Magic function - test for testing success mechanism.