Controller: /nodeworx/dns ========================= :Required Permissions: DNS Action: ``defaultServers`` -------------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Set the default nameserver (NS) records for new domains. Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``ns1`` - string - No* - - - The first nameserver to be used for requesting zone data for a given zone. For redundancy, a second (though equally authoritative) nameserver is required. * - ``ns2`` - string - No* - - - The second nameserver to be used for requesting zone data for a given zone. An optional (equally authoritative) third nameserver can be provided for additional redundancy. * - ``ns3`` - string - No - - - Similar to the secondary nameserver, but it is only used if the primary and secondary server fail. * - ``ns4`` - string - No - - - Additional DNS. These are not required, but provide additional DNS redundancy. \* indicates that it's actually required, but probably already has a valid default value. Action: ``export`` ------------------ :Added in Version: 4.10.0-440 :Description: Updates the DNS records from the database. Action: ``fail`` ---------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Magic function - test for failure mechanism. Action: ``flush`` ----------------- :Added in Version: 4.8.0-393 :Description: DNS flush service action. Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``ip`` - struct (string) - No* -,,,, - - \* indicates that it's actually required, but probably already has a valid default value. Action: ``install`` ------------------- :Added in Version: 4.8.3-414 :Description: Installs a DNS server on IPs that don't have one. Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``ip`` - struct (integer) - No - - - Action: ``isRunning`` --------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Checks if the service is running or not. Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => true, 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``isRunningOnNode`` --------------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Checks if the service is running on a specific node (Clustering only). Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``node_id`` - string - No* - - - \* indicates that it's actually required, but probably already has a valid default value. Action: ``listDnsServices`` --------------------------- :Added in Version: 4.8.0-393 :Description: Lists information about DNS Services running. Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => array ( 0 => array ( 'ip' => '', 'status' => 'up', 'type' => 'recursive', ), 1 => array ( 'ip' => '', 'status' => 'up', 'type' => 'iterative', ), 2 => array ( 'ip' => '', 'status' => 'up', 'type' => 'iterative', ), ), 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``listGeneralName`` --------------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Lists the "normal" name - ie "web server" instead of "httpd". Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => '##LG_DNS_SERVER##', 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``listPortNumbers`` --------------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Lists a string of the port numbers that this service uses, comma-seperated. Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => '53', 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``listPortNumbersArray`` -------------------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Lists array of port numbers and ranges that this service uses. Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => array ( 0 => 53, ), 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``listRequiredPermissions`` ----------------------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Lists an array of permissions required to control the service. Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => array ( 0 => 'DNS', ), 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``listServiceInfo`` --------------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Lists the service name, ports, page, and status. Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => array ( 'id' => 'djbdns', 'name' => '##LG_DNS_SERVER##', 'ports' => '53', 'page' => '/nodeworx/dns', 'ctrl' => '/nodeworx/dns', 'is_running' => 1, ), 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``listServiceName`` --------------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Lists the service name - ie "httpd" instead of "web server". Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => 'djbdns', 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``listServicePage`` --------------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Lists the page that controls the service. Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => '/nodeworx/dns', 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``listServiceStatus`` ----------------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Lists information about DNS Services running. Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => array ( '' => array ( 'ip' => '', 'status' => 'up', 'mapped' => true, 'on_system' => true, ), '' => array ( 'ip' => '', 'status' => 'up', 'mapped' => true, 'on_system' => true, ), '' => array ( 'ip' => '', 'status' => 'up', 'mapped' => true, 'on_system' => true, ), ), 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``listUnmappedIps`` --------------------------- :Added in Version: 4.8.3-414 :Description: Lists information about IPs that do not have DNS running. Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => array ( ), 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``queryDefaultServers`` ------------------------------- :Added in Version: 5.1.0-838 :Description: Displays the information available to the action "defaultServers". Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => array ( 'ns1' => '', 'ns2' => '', 'ns3' => '', 'ns4' => '', 'ns5' => '', 'ns6' => '', 'ns7' => '', 'ns8' => '', 'ns9' => '', 'ns10' => '', 'ns11' => '', 'ns12' => '', 'ns13' => '', 'ns14' => '', 'ns15' => '', 'ns16' => '', 'ns17' => '', 'ns18' => '', 'ns19' => '', 'ns20' => '', 'ns21' => '', 'ns22' => '', 'ns23' => '', 'ns24' => '', 'ns25' => '', 'ns26' => '', 'ns27' => '', ), 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``querySetSoaSerialFormat`` ----------------------------------- :Added in Version: 5.1.0-838 :Description: Displays the information available to the action "setSoaSerialFormat". Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => array ( 'mode' => 'unix', 'update_all_zones' => NULL, ), 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``queryZoneDefaults`` ----------------------------- :Added in Version: 5.1.0-838 :Description: Displays the information available to the action "zoneDefaults". Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => array ( 'refresh' => '7200', 'retry' => '300', 'expire' => '1209600', 'negative_ttl' => '10800', 'enforce_rfc1912_cname' => '1', ), 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``remove`` ------------------ :Added in Version: 4.8.0-393 :Description: DNS remove service action. Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``ip`` - struct (string) - No* -,,, - - \* indicates that it's actually required, but probably already has a valid default value. Action: ``reroute`` ------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Action to re-route from the current controller to a different one. Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``controller`` - string - Yes - Index, Overview, Users, Lang, Apikey, Plugins, Twofactorauth, Notice, Siteworx, Shell, Packages, Backup, Import, Softaculous, Reseller, ResellerPackages, ResellerBandwidthhistory, Http, Phpextensions, Ftp, Sshd, MailMta, MailSmtp, MailSmtp2, MailSend, MailMda, MailMsa, MailDovecot, MailSpam, MailVirus, MailMailman, MailQueue, Mysql, MysqlRemote, MysqlPhpmyadmin, Dns, DnsZone, DnsRecord, DnsSync, Nfs, NfsExport, NfsMount, Health, Cron, Firewall, Ssl, Logs, Settings, Updates, Rrd, ... - - Action: ``restart`` ------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: DNS restart service action. Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``ip`` - struct (string) - No -,,,, - - Action: ``restartOnNode`` ------------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Restarts the service on a specific node (Clustering only). Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``node_id`` - string - No* - - - \* indicates that it's actually required, but probably already has a valid default value. Action: ``setSoaSerialFormat`` ------------------------------ :Added in Version: 4.8.0-393 :Description: Set the DNS SOA Serial Format. Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``mode`` - string - No* - unix, ymd - unix - * - ``update_all_zones`` - integer - No - 1 - - \* indicates that it's actually required, but probably already has a valid default value. Action: ``start`` ----------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: DNS start service action. Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``ip`` - struct (string) - No -,,,, - - Action: ``startOnNode`` ----------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Starts the service on a specific node (Clustering only). Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``node_id`` - string - No* - - - \* indicates that it's actually required, but probably already has a valid default value. Action: ``stop`` ---------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: DNS stop service action. Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``ip`` - struct (string) - No -,,,, - - Action: ``stopOnNode`` ---------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Stops the service on a specific node (Clustering only). Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``node_id`` - string - No* - - - \* indicates that it's actually required, but probably already has a valid default value. Action: ``win`` --------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Magic function - test for testing success mechanism. Action: ``zoneDefaults`` ------------------------ :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Update the default dns zone settings. Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``refresh`` - integer - No* - - 7200 - Sets the number of seconds that a slave will cache the record before re-checking the primary server. Recommended values are between 1200 (twenty minutes) and 43200 (twelve hours). - *In Seconds* * - ``retry`` - integer - No* - - 300 - Set the number of seconds to retry a refresh after the previous refresh attempt fails. Recommended values are between 180 (three minutes) and 900 (fifteen minutes). - *In Seconds* * - ``expire`` - integer - No* - - 1209600 - Set the number of seconds for refresh and retry attempts before the server will stop serving the zone. Per RFC 1912, recommended values are between 1209600 (two weeks) and 2419200 (four weeks). This value is only used by slave servers. - *In Seconds* * - ``negative_ttl`` - integer - No* - - 10800 - Time in seconds for negative answers (NXDOMAIN) from this zone. This field was redefined in 1998 by RFC2308. Suggested values are between 3600 (one hour) and 10800 (three hours). Values higher than 86400 (twenty-four hours) should be avoided. - *In Seconds* * - ``enforce_rfc1912_cname`` - integer - No* - 1, 0 - 1 - RFC1912 states "A CNAME record is not allowed to coexist with any other data." In certain circumstances, you MAY want to relax this restriction if you understand the ramifications. \* indicates that it's actually required, but probably already has a valid default value.