Controller: /nodeworx/cluster/lb ================================ :Required Permissions: CLUSTERING Action: ``addService`` ---------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Add load balancing to a service. Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``service_port`` - integer - Yes - 80, 443, 25, 587, 110, 995, 143, 993 - - * - ``virtual_ip`` - string - Yes -,,, - - A virtual IP will be shared and load-balanced among your cluster according to policies set here. Load-balancing IPv6 addresses requires Linux kernel >= 2.6.28-rc3 and ipvsadm >= 1.25. Both are provided by default in RHEL 6 and CentOS 6. * - ``policy`` - string - Yes - rr, wrr, lc, wlc, lblc - - * - ``persistent`` - integer - Yes - 0, 300, 1800, 3600 - 300 - * - ```` - integer - No* - 0, 1 - 1 - * - ```` - integer - No* - 0, 1 - 1 - \* indicates that it's actually required, but probably already has a valid default value. Action: ``deleteService`` ------------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Delete loadbalancing of a service. Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``services`` - struct (string) - Yes -,, - - Action: ``editService`` ----------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Edit a clustered service. Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``service`` - string - Yes -,, - - * - ``policy`` - string - No* - rr, wrr, lc, wlc, lblc - rr - * - ``persistent`` - integer - No* - 0, 300, 1800, 3600 - 300 - * - ```` - integer - No* - 0 - 1 - * - ```` - integer - No* - 0 - 1 - \* indicates that it's actually required, but probably already has a valid default value. Action: ``externalLb`` ---------------------- :Added in Version: 6.3.0-1630 :Description: Set external load balancer mode on/off (beta). Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``external_lb`` - integer - No* - 1, 0 - 0 - InterWorx runs a LVS load balancer on the cluster manager server. This can be replaced with an external load balancer configuration, but must be configured and managed outside of InterWorx. This is required if the network environment does not support LVS load balancing. Full Documentation \* indicates that it's actually required, but probably already has a valid default value. Action: ``fail`` ---------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Magic function - test for failure mechanism. Action: ``isRunning`` --------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Checks if the service is running or not. Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => true, 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``isRunningOnNode`` --------------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Checks if the service is running on a specific node (Clustering only). Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``node_id`` - string - No* - - - \* indicates that it's actually required, but probably already has a valid default value. Action: ``listCurrentLoadBalancerStatus`` ----------------------------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Lists the current load balancer status. Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => array ( '' => array ( 'info' => array ( 'protocol' => 'TCP', 'vip' => '', 'port' => '80', 'pport' => 'http', 'policy' => 'rr', 'ppolicy' => '##LG_ROUND_ROBIN##', 'persistent' => '300', ), 'realservers' => array ( '' => array ( 'vip' => '', 'port' => '80', 'forward' => 'Route', 'weight' => '1', 'active' => '0', 'inactive' => '0', ), '' => array ( 'vip' => '', 'port' => '80', 'forward' => 'Route', 'weight' => '1', 'active' => '0', 'inactive' => '0', ), ), ), '' => array ( 'info' => array ( 'protocol' => 'TCP', 'vip' => '', 'port' => '80', 'pport' => 'http', 'policy' => 'rr', 'ppolicy' => '##LG_ROUND_ROBIN##', 'persistent' => '300', ), 'realservers' => array ( '' => array ( 'vip' => '', 'port' => '80', 'forward' => 'Route', 'weight' => '1', 'active' => '0', 'inactive' => '0', ), '' => array ( 'vip' => '', 'port' => '80', 'forward' => 'Route', 'weight' => '1', 'active' => '0', 'inactive' => '0', ), ), ), '' => array ( 'info' => array ( 'protocol' => 'TCP', 'vip' => '', 'port' => '80', 'pport' => 'http', 'policy' => 'rr', 'ppolicy' => '##LG_ROUND_ROBIN##', 'persistent' => '300', ), 'realservers' => array ( '' => array ( 'vip' => '', 'port' => '80', 'forward' => 'Route', 'weight' => '1', 'active' => '0', 'inactive' => '0', ), '' => array ( 'vip' => '', 'port' => '80', 'forward' => 'Route', 'weight' => '1', 'active' => '0', 'inactive' => '0', ), ), ), ), 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``listGeneralName`` --------------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Lists the "normal" name - ie "web server" instead of "httpd". Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => '##LG_LOAD_BALANCER##', 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``listPortNumbers`` --------------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Lists a string of the port numbers that this service uses, comma-seperated. Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => '##LG_NOT_APPLICABLE##', 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``listPortNumbersArray`` -------------------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Lists array of port numbers and ranges that this service uses. Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => array ( 0 => '##LG_NOT_APPLICABLE##', ), 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``listRequiredPermissions`` ----------------------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Lists an array of permissions required to control the service. Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => array ( 0 => 'CLUSTERING', ), 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``listServiceInfo`` --------------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Lists the service name, ports, page, and status. Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => array ( 'id' => 'ipvsadm', 'name' => '##LG_LOAD_BALANCER##', 'ports' => '##LG_NOT_APPLICABLE##', 'page' => '/nodeworx/cluster/lb', 'ctrl' => '/nodeworx/cluster/lb', 'is_running' => 1, ), 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``listServiceName`` --------------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Lists the service name - ie "httpd" instead of "web server". Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => 'ipvsadm', 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``listServicePage`` --------------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Lists the page that controls the service. Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => '/nodeworx/cluster/lb', 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``queryEditService`` ---------------------------- :Added in Version: 5.1.0-838 :Description: Displays the information available to the action "editService". Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``service`` - string - Yes -,, - - Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => array ( 'service_copy' => '', 'policy' => 'rr', 'persistent' => '300', 'service' => '', 'port' => '80', 'vip' => '', 'nodes' => array ( '' => '1', '' => '1', ), ), 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``querySettings`` ------------------------- :Added in Version: 5.1.0-838 :Description: Displays the information available to the action "settings". Sample Output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: array ( 'status' => 0, 'payload' => array ( 'emailalert' => '', 'emailalertstatus' => array ( ), ), 'reply_code' => 205, ) Action: ``reroute`` ------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Action to re-route from the current controller to a different one. Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``controller`` - string - Yes - Index, Overview, Users, Lang, Apikey, Plugins, Twofactorauth, Notice, Siteworx, Shell, Packages, Backup, Import, Softaculous, Reseller, ResellerPackages, ResellerBandwidthhistory, Http, Phpextensions, Ftp, Sshd, MailMta, MailSmtp, MailSmtp2, MailSend, MailMda, MailMsa, MailDovecot, MailSpam, MailVirus, MailMailman, MailQueue, Mysql, MysqlRemote, MysqlPhpmyadmin, Dns, DnsZone, DnsRecord, DnsSync, Nfs, NfsExport, NfsMount, Health, Cron, Firewall, Ssl, Logs, Settings, Updates, Rrd, ... - - Action: ``restart`` ------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Restart the service. Action: ``restartOnNode`` ------------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Restarts the service on a specific node (Clustering only). Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``node_id`` - string - No* - - - \* indicates that it's actually required, but probably already has a valid default value. Action: ``settings`` -------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Modify ldirectord variables. Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``emailalert`` - string - No - - - Email address that will receive status changes. * - ``emailalertstatus`` - struct (string) - No - starting, running, stopping, reloading - - Which status changes should be sent out as alerts. Action: ``start`` ----------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Start the service. Action: ``startOnBoot`` ----------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Set the loadbalancer start on boot status. Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``startonboot`` - integer - No* - 1, 0 - 1 - If set to 'Yes', the Load Balancer will be automatically started when the server starts up \* indicates that it's actually required, but probably already has a valid default value. Action: ``startOnNode`` ----------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Starts the service on a specific node (Clustering only). Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``node_id`` - string - No* - - - \* indicates that it's actually required, but probably already has a valid default value. Action: ``stop`` ---------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Stop the service. Action: ``stopOnNode`` ---------------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Stops the service on a specific node (Clustering only). Input Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Required? - Example Values - Default Values - Notes * - ``node_id`` - string - No* - - - \* indicates that it's actually required, but probably already has a valid default value. Action: ``win`` --------------- :Added in Version: 4.7.0-339 :Description: Magic function - test for testing success mechanism.