API Response Codes ================== - ``0`` - Success - ``10`` - Connection failure - ``11`` - General failure - ``99`` - Invalid argument(s) - ``100`` - Permission denied - ``401`` - Authentication failure - ``507`` - Server is in maintenance mode, try again later - ``508`` - InterWorx activation in progress, try again later - ``801`` - Invalid IP type - ``802`` - No shared IPs available - ``803`` - No static IPs available - ``804`` - Unknown IP address - ``900`` - Reseller is inactive - ``901`` - DNS Zone exists - ``902`` - Domain already exists - ``903`` - No email address was given - ``904`` - No domain name was given - ``905`` - No IP address given - ``906`` - No password was given - ``908`` - Invalid IP address - ``909`` - IP address is already in use - ``910`` - No IP addresses are available for use - ``911`` - A subdomain with the same name already exists - ``912`` - A valid domain name is required - ``913`` - A valid email address is required - ``914`` - Unknown package - ``915`` - Unknown package id - ``916`` - Billing day invalid - ``917`` - Error saving SiteWorx account - ``918`` - Error saving initial package - ``919`` - Error setting master domain - ``920`` - An error occurred during SiteWorx account activation - ``921`` - Error mapping SiteWorx account - ``922`` - Error creating SiteWorx user - ``923`` - Error editing SiteWorx user - ``924`` - Error editing SiteWorx package - ``925`` - Error editing SiteWorx account - ``926`` - UID does not match user - ``927`` - GID does not match user - ``928`` - User id already exists on system - ``929`` - Group id already exists on system - ``930`` - Translation unavailable - ``940`` - Status unavailable - ``950`` - Invalid option value - ``960`` - Unixname exists - ``961`` - Invalid unixname - ``970`` - Reseller storage limit has been reached - ``971`` - Reseller SiteWorx account limit has been reached - ``972`` - Change not allowed by reseller - ``973`` - No nameservers defined for this reseller - ``1001`` - Domain already suspended - ``1002`` - Domain not found - ``1101`` - Domain already unsuspended - ``1102`` - Error deleting SiteWorx account - ``1301`` - Package already exists - ``1414`` - No such package - ``1415`` - Error loading package - ``2000`` - Mount-point already exists - ``2001`` - Directory does not exist - ``2002`` - Invalid remote directory - ``2003`` - Invalid host - ``2004`` - Invalid mount option - ``2005`` - NFS mount failed - ``2006`` - NFS unmount failed - ``2007`` - Export failed - ``2008`` - Unexport failed - ``2020`` - Invalid node role - ``2021`` - Node is not clustered - ``2030`` - iworx.ini file update failed - ``2031`` - SQL file(s) update failed - ``2032`` - No backup DSNs found - ``2033`` - Invalid virtual IP - ``2034`` - Virtual IP bind failed - ``2035`` - Virtual IP unbind failed - ``2040`` - No such NodeWorx user - ``2041`` - No such SiteWorx user - ``2050`` - DNS host already exists in sync - ``2051`` - Could not resolve hostname - ``2052`` - Resolved IP address differs from given IP - ``2053`` - DNS host ip/hostname points to this host - ``2054`` - DNS host is active - ``2055`` - DNS host saved failed - ``2056`` - DNS host is not active - ``2057`` - DNS host validation error - ``2058`` - DNS host addition failed - ``2059`` - Invalid role - ``2060`` - DNS host delete failed - ``2061`` - No such DNS host to delete - ``2062`` - No DNS data file found - ``2063`` - DNS sync export failed - ``2064`` - DNS sync client error - ``3000`` - Account limit of license reached - ``3010`` - Secondary domain limit reached - ``3011`` - Domain exists - ``3012`` - Invalid IP type for secondary domain - ``3020`` - Pointer domain limit reached - ``3021`` - Pointer domain exists - ``3030`` - Domain activation failed - ``3040`` - Domain exists elsewhere on the system - ``3050`` - Syncing server alias failed - ``3051`` - Syncing vhost failed - ``4000`` - Selected IP address is not available to resellers - ``4001`` - Selected dedicated IP address is in use - ``4002`` - Reseller does not have access to this IP address - ``4003`` - Dedicated reseller IP in use by another - ``4004`` - Dedicated reseller IP is not available to the user - ``9999`` - Invalid API key